PSYB65H3 Lecture : note 03

82 views2 pages
13 Feb 2011

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Lec 03 problems in vescular system brain is a high metabolic tissure, oxygen is very important, lack of oxygen in brain can cause serious damage. Cerebral vescular accident (cva): severe interuption to blood supply of brain resulted in ischemia (not enough oxygen/blood supply, produce dead or dying tissue called infarct) Encephomalacia: long-term/slow block of artery that causes brain tissue damage (slow reduction of blood supply, tissue become "softening" but not completely dead) Transient ischemic attack (tia): temporally restriction of blood flow (severe headache is commonly involved in), no brain damage cause of disruption in blood flow-- Thrombosis: locally formed blockage (right there in the brain) Embolism: blockage that breaks off from somewhere else. Austerious crosis (general clogging of arteries): slow process, associated more with encephomalacia, usually happens in old people blood vessel burst-- Cerebral haemorrhage: messive bleeding into the brain tissue itself. Can kill the tissue, threat life (die immediatly) Usually associated with high blood pressure subdural hematoma--

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