PSYB65H3 Lecture : Visual System

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26 Feb 2011

Document Summary

the part near the nose is called the nasal port ion. part close to the outside of your head is called te mporal. cross over is called opt ic ch iasm. when it moves towards the brain the nerves are call tracts: after optic nerves, when nerve fibers come together at optic chiasm, fibres from temporal portion of the retina come together at optic chiasm . But do not cross: fibers from nasal portion of the retina come together and cross, something in your right visual field will hit the nasal port ion of. Ahead) everything to the right of him is my right half field (usually said right field) neurons in receptor can only analyze l ight or no l ight. when we get to area 17 (in the cortex) respond to line of a particular orientation.