PSYB65H3 Lecture : Lecture 3

59 views5 pages
16 Mar 2011

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Main teaching points: things that go wrong with the nervous system eg. stroke, traumas, glial cells and diseases that pertain to glial cells. Problems in vascular system (blood flow: blockage in blood flow = lack of oxygen and glucose (critical) brain has high metabolic rate, a short period without oxygen is devastating. brain damage: types of blockage of blood flow, cerebral vascular accident (cva) severe interruption of blood supply to the brain. interruption of blood supply result in ischemia problem in blood supply, not enough blood: not enough blood supply = not enough glucose and oxygen supplied to the brain. produces dead / dying tissue (infarct : infarct tissue that is very damaged and has a lot of dying tissue 2, encephomalacia. lack of blood supply but very slow. not rapid, very slow blockage in which blood vessels slowly breakdown. result of very slow reduction in blood supply to the brain.

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