PSYB65H3 Lecture : PSYB65 - Lecture 01 - Sep 13, 2010

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Pns all the other nerves (slide 4 when you take the human brain out) Human brains, in some sets, are similar to the brains in dogs and rats, in terms of organization. The brain divides into 3 parts; forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain. area of the base of the brain (at the back of the brain) cerebellum sensory motor integration (take sensory input and put together with motor output) allows humans to stand from one leg. when damaged, looks like someone who is drunk. medulla responsible for basic life processes (heart rate, respiration) keep humans alive at the most basic level. not a place where you want to have a stroke or tumor. critical life processes carrying on in the medulla. Midbrain reticular formation (involves in sleep-wakefullness cycle) it wakes us up, and puts us back to sleep.