PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Cerebrospinal Fluid, Meningitis, Basilar Artery

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The human brain is not smooth (rats, mice and other animals have smooth brains) our brains are always forming new neurons, so when it grows it starts to crunch up into folded spaces. Valley"s are called sulci (or sulcus) unless they are incredibly large, then they are called fissures. The top of the brain is divided right in the center into two hemispheres. The right hemisphere receives information from the left side of your body and controls the left. The left hemisphere receives information from the right side of your body and controls the right. The two hemispheres are divided by the longitudinal fissure or sulcus. They are separated in the middle but, inside they are connected. corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres. Sulci: there are three main sulci, 1. The longitudinal fissure: divides left and right: 2. Central sulcus or central fissure: divides anterior and posterior (front and back) frontal and parietal: 3.

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