PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Special Senses, Blood Vessel, Cerebrospinal Fluid

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7:09 pm e. g. right occipital lobe is connected to the left occipital lobe. Central sulcus/fissure - separates frontal lobe from the parietal lobe. Not enough space in our skull for a smooth brain. If they"re really big, it"s sometimes referred to as a fissure. Right side receives information from and controls the left side of the body and vice versa the opposite side is connected to the adjacent part of the right (separates anterior and posterior) the brain - separates the temporal lobe. Each lobe has a main primary function: within each lobe are two types of cortex (tissue) - primary cortex and associational cortex function of that lobe. input intelligent the organism. The primary receptive area for a receiving part of the brain - basic. Associational cortex - higher order functions - more recently evolved. The higher the % of associational cortex, the more evolved, more. Brodmann - numbering the areas of the brain.

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