PSYC02H3 Lecture : L02__
Document Summary
C02- academic vs non academic sources, lec 02- office hours: weds 12-1pm. becoming a better consumer: learn to evaluate sources, discern valid research from pseudo science. becoming a better contributor: knowing your audience is and what they expect, become part of larger com munity of scholars who adhere to certain standards. a) full length empirical article: 12-20 something pages in a journal, there is orig data, sometimes secondary data. e) review paper/article: looks at all of the research that ahs been done in an area until that point, handy when starting research in a particular area www. notesolution. com. general audience: must be accessible to ppl outside field. must sell magazines: drawing reader in is key, want continuing customers. very simple but depends on magazine or newspaper. psychology is an area ripe for misrep. lots of error variance: lack of control, state of technology.