Document Summary
Intergroup interactions will make particular group categorizations, depending on the nature of the group interaction. Enhance the perception of the outgroup as homogenous: appraisal: set of cognitions that are attached to a specific emotion. Also suggests that if we are prejudiced against another group, then we should react with the same negative affect to all members of the group every time we encounter them. Any negative affect is likely to elicit aggressive feelings: people with an authoritarian personality tend to be prejudice (factors that threaten one"s values, p and s are a result of perceived group threat. Illusory correlations: often perceive a relationship between variables that are only weakly correlated or not correlated at all. Attitude object: anything about which one forms an. Attitude have both an affective and cognitive component. Aversive racism: white people truly believe they are egalitarian and regard themselves as nonprejudice, however they possess negative feelings about blacks.