PSYC13H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Indian Anna, Steven Avery, Soo Line Railroad

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10 Dec 2018

Document Summary

The ability to judge other people correctly has considerable survival value. It allows us to correctly predict their actions, and to respond in an adaptive manner. This perspective suggests that there might be certain types of behaviors that are more important than others, because they have more implications for survival and reproductive success. Goal #1: describe at least two independent traits that have particular importance for survival, and identify some of the research that points to these traits as being particularly important. Purpose of person knowledge: to identify the meaning of acts to help us respond in the moment, forming impressions of a person will help us predict their likely behaviors in the future. Research involved: researchers tried to described the facial features of a person through a mesh of space, you can then ask how these points in space related to trait judgment.

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