PSYC18H3 Lecture 6: Lecture 6

156 views5 pages
30 Oct 2010

Document Summary

How do emotions pertain to the body: emotions and body action, particular emotions can cause particular emotion sequences. S allows organism to react according to the event. N e. g. if a snake jumps at u from behind a glass, you will still jump back even though you know that there is a glass separating you two: harvey carr. S e. g. if a snake jumps at you and yol lz l. N emotion signals that there is a problem in responding. N and is a form of energy you rely on to solve a problem. N there are particular things in the environment that are unconditioned stimuli that result in an unconditioned response. N e. g. when a mouse comes out of its nest and sees a hawk, it runs for shelter instinctually. N e. g. animal shows rage when in contact with a competitor: unconditioned emotional response. S emotions are instinctual but we can change them through learning.

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