PSYC18H3 Lecture 12: Lecture 12
Document Summary
Externalizing disorders j anger, hostility, aggression, stealing, lying. In adolescents, there are still externalizing and internalizing disorders, in addition to drug use and eating disorders. Gender matters a lot: externalizing disorders more prevalent in boys. S 3 boys :1 girl diagnose with exernalizing disorders. Internalizing disorders more prevalent in girls: this is due to environmental and biological/genetic differences (nature vs. nurture) S e. g. hormones: society treats boys and girls differently. S western society j boys encouraged to express anger while girls encouraged to. You need to be biologically predisposed then come into contact with particular environmental factors to develop emotional disorder. E. g. siblings can both lose their parents but maybe only one develop emotional disorder. Example of environmental risks in childhood: parental conflict. Externalizing disorders j child more likely to develop mood disorders: for girls and boys. Frequent, severe, overt hostility (e. g. parents screaming at each other) is worst factor.