PSYC18H3 Lecture : PSYC18 chpts 1-6

199 views11 pages
16 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Evolution of emotions: a piece of darwin"s evidence was the similarly of human emotional expressions to those of lower animals, argued that human emotional expressions have some primitive aspects, darwin"s theory of evolution. animals and plants produce more offspring than necessary merely to reproduce themselves: variation: each off spring is somewhat different than others , and differences are passed on by heredity: natural selection: characteristics that allow the individual to be adapted to the environment are selected for. Selection pressures: at the core of natural selection, the physical and social environment in which humans evolved, determined whether or not individuals survived and reproduced. To survive the individual need to find food and water. occurs within a sex access to mates. stags lock horns and engage in ritualized, at times violent battles to find out who is dominant and gains access to mates.