PSYC37H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Factor Analysis, Classical Test Theory, Standard Deviation

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Norms: performances by defined groups on particular tests, allows to understand meaning of the individual"s score. Norm-referenced vs. criterion-referenced test: norm-referenced tests. Compare each individual with relevant norms; classify individual examinees from low to high e. g. , iq tests, gres above average or below average: criterion-referenced tests. Compare examinees" accomplishments to a pre-defined performance standard; not compared to other examinees" performance. Reliability defined: accuracy, dependability, consistency, or repeatability of test results. Degree to which test scores are free of measurement errors. Not systematic (important for the math: rubber yardstick analogy. Randomly stretches/ shrinks each time you take a measurement. All things are measuring in psychology are tangible: sampling theory suggests that the distribution of random errors is bell-shaped, or normally distributed (recall: normal curve) Degree of spread around the middle (mean) reflects the amount of sampling error. Parallels the concept of standard deviation around a mean. Standard deviation of errors is the basic measure of error in classical test theory.

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