PSYC37H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Thematic Apperception Test, Ming Dynasty, Rorschach Test
Document Summary
What is a test: measurement device that quantifies behavior. What is a psychological test: measuring characteristics of human beings that pertain overt/ intraindividual behavior. What is an item: specific stimulus that the person responds overtly and that can be scored/ evaluated, ex. 10 items questionnaires -> you score them and people evaluate them. What are scales: tools that relate raw scores on test items to some defined theoretical/ empirical distribution, ex. What is the difference between an individual test vs. group test: individual test is a test that can only be given to one person at a time (ex. Intelligence test: group test is a test that a single test can be given to more than one person at a time (ex. What 3 types of tests can fall under the umbrella of ability tests: achievement. Previous learning, what you"ve already know: aptitude. Main types of personality tests: structured/ objective, projective.