PSYB32H3 Lecture : PSYB32 Lecture 5

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14 Jan 2012

Document Summary

Somatoform disorders are more common than dissociative disorders. Consider the second subtype only, psychological factors and general medical condition. Do not have an objective way to analyze pain disorder. Distress and disability, complain about pain and the pain prevents them to function properly in daily life. People with historic personality disorder have higher chance to develop pain disorder because they seek attention from others. Middle aged woman was in a minor car accident. Even though the car accident was mild and she should recover after three weeks, she complained about the constant pain. Was assigned massage therapist and received housekeeping benefit. Before the accident, she was responsible to do all the housework and her children pay her no respect. After the accident, her children become sympathetic, husband does some housework due to self report. Patient is not malingering, but she avoids unpleasant activities to secure attention and security.