PSYC56H3 Lecture : music organization article summary

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15 Dec 2011

Document Summary

Look at ways to describe local and global organizations of melodies. Local pattern organization y y y y y y. Recall example 5a, in which pitch separation between two temporally interleaved melodies allows either melody to be attended to and heard distinctly. If think of pitch and time dimensions in fig 5. 1 as dimensions of a musical space : then such examples become analogous to visual illustrations of perceptual organization formulated by gestalt psychologists. Gestalt principles serve as useful rules, indicating what sort of pattern organization will be perceived given certain stimulus features. Amenable to translation from visual to auditory space where relatively brief spans of local stimulus organization are involved. Seem to describe aspects of stimulus organization that arise automatically from the operation of the sensory systems, within involving more complex cognitive systems ie. memory. Visual illustrations of principles shown in fig 6. 1. Similarity y (a) set of eight dots seen as one wiggly row.