RLGA01H3 Lecture Notes - Taoism, Lisa Lopes, Filial Piety
Document Summary
In expressible, ineffable, any way that it can expressed is partial, incomplete, not relative. The 6th the classic of music (yueji) is now lost. The seminal ides of the philosophy that the west call confunisism come from these. The book of rites explains the principles behind rites, their symbolic value, and their efficacy in bringing the ultimate goal of confunisims. Five classics says that there can"t be harmony in the sate unless there is harmony in the family. Confucianism: ultimate goal: creation of a harmonious society though careful self cultivation not for the sake of self by for the society. First of china"s three foremost classical philosophers: believed early traditions should not be abandoned, created analects. Emphasized the practice of filial piety or devotion. Interviews with feudal rulers of his time: confucius teachings on strategies required to bring security to the chaotic period, collection of conversations between confucius and his disciples.