RLGA02H3 Lecture Notes - Burning Bush, Flood Myth, Ketuvim
Document Summary
Cosmic : creation of order out of chaos: 2. The world of the patriarchs and matriarchs: abraham. Moses and the law: egypt as starting point of exodus, 2 key experiences. C. 1800 bce: traditional date of abraham, legendary first patriarch. C. 1250 bce: traditional date of exodus (moses leading hebrew out of egypt) C. 1000 bce: jerusalem = capital of israelite, kingdom under king david. C. 950 bce: first temple (king solomon) 721 bce: end of northern kingdom, destroyed by assyrians. 586 539 bce: first temple destroyed (exile of israelites in babylonia . Offers a pig to zeus sacrifice a pig, because it is the most unclean animal: not allowed to use for sacrifices. Maccabean revolt (167 bce) judah maccabee: reclaim the temple. Menorah: put the one day of oil, but it lasts for 8 days (symbolic a way of god"s sanctioning) 66ce: revolt temple destruction in 70 ce. Temple-based religion community and text-based religion.