RLGA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Magisterial Reformation, Feudalism, Indulgence

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11 Apr 2013

Document Summary

The press is mightier than the pen but the classic one is pen is mightier than the sword means knowledge can be far more effective and powerful than physical force. Luther is very essential to the beginning of christianity. Christianity different forces and factors,, different gospels, by the 4th century it gets funnel down into a consistent doctrine. Eventually east and the west split occurs and done by the 11th century. Luther says he"s saying you"re free lord and subjected to nobody but on the other hand he"s saying you"re subjected to somebody contradictory. 1st one places focus on individuality and the second one community. As a member of community [selflessness], the focus is on the community. By combining both ideas he creates freedom in devotion. When he"s talking about freedom, he means freedom from the papal authority or freedom from the catholic church. He means being subjected to the community not only these institution.

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