RLGA02H3 Lecture Notes - Magisterial Reformation, Nicene Creed, Protestant Reformation

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Once you have the protestant reformation beginning of new way of orienting christianity and triggers a whole bunch of denominations and groups. If you imagine early christianity = a funnel that gets down into a consistent doctarine (nicene creed by the 4th century) then you get the east and the west split (11th cent) West latin church has been one semi-unified monolithic consistent church. Christian is a free lord of all subject to none nobody and dutiful servant to all subject to all sounds like a contradiction. And on the other hand subject to everyone first focuses on individuality and second quote focuses on community (selflessness) Autonomous to be an individual but also to become a community. Talking freedom from certain things (freedom from the catholic church) but being subject to all still being subject to the christian community but not the institutionalized bureaucratic one.

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