RLGA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Real Ultimate Power, Babylonian Captivity, Nina Paley

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25 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Lecture 6: ca. 1000 bce: jerusalem= capital of israelite kingdom under king david. Identifying him as a king is the messiah. 950 bce: first temple (king solomon: 928 bce: kingdom divided into northern (isreal) and southern (judah) kingdoms, 721 bce: end of northern kingdom, destroyed by assryians, 586-539 bce: babylonians conquer: first temple destroyed (exile of israelites in. He is not anointed in the same sense that. David and solomon were appointed by god: 538 bce: persians (cyrus the great) end the babylonian exile (not all return) They conquer the babylonian and allow the jews to return. The majority that were exiled remain in that region. That"s one of the first examples of an israelite religion that exist outside of the kingdom. So, it"s a diaspora (dispersed): 520 bce: construction of second temple begins. You have the temple that is broken and then built again. It is also like a central managing of the hub.

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