RLGA02H3 Lecture 6: Lecture 6 Notes
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Gospel of peter was rejected due to controversial ideas. Paul is said to be the founder of christianity, keeping early traditions together. Gods in local religions were related to christian saints. Constantine makes the ball rolling with justinian making it official. Easter orthodox church, pictures are used to worship. 1054, the east ex-communicate themselves from the west. God can be met instead of after death. Germany was in transition from feudalism to manufacturing. The political landscape changes with the holy roman empire growing weaker. The bible, written in latin is translated into the local vernacular language. The translation reduces the power of the church. His ideas were spread throughout the west (britain, france, americas) Predestination - your characteristic is a hint of one getting into heaven. Wanted geneva to base their laws on divine and natural law. Believed baptism should occur as a adult when they know what"s going on.
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