RLGA02H3 Lecture Notes - Counterpoint

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17 Apr 2012

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A different time before the tradition develops. As a historian from the faith perspective that muhammad starts to receive revelations from god at age 40. As a historian perspective the pre-islamic period is very important. Byzantines whom were christians and persians whom were zoroastrians, two empires in the pre- The people muhammad try talk to about islam were mostly polytheistic. Scholars talk about, prior to islam there was this cult (community of people who gather around to perform religious activities) called ramada. The merciful is one the names given to god in islam. One god that represents through the many deities (polytheism merging with monotheism) For muslims, the pre-islamic period as a counterpoint; there was a certain practices that was practiced in the pre-islamic period but as the tradition develops those practices were rejected and was never practiced. There were some practices that were continued but they were justified, clear establishment of difference.

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