RLGA02H3 Lecture 7: Lecture 7 Notes
Document Summary
Quiz two: knowledge constructed from course text/lecture (not other contexts) Final exam: discuss two later groups within /christianity based on luther & calvin. There were reformations happening within the christian church reformations were not just a reflection of lutheran reform. Confessionalization occurs: each tradition clarifies doctrines and beliefs within. Important to look at historical context prior to muhammad. Muhammad begins transmitting faith at age 40, but as a historian there is a background that sets context. Up to 6th century, arabs are initially nomadic, not a political threat to byzantines (christian) or persian (zoroastrian) empires (pre-islamic) Polytheism is popular among arabs pre-islam ie. prior to islam there was a cult (community of people forming around ritual and practices) of ramanan the merciful. As islam develops scholars note different names for the same god. Each name is based on qualities and attributes of god. Various gods that were separate and autonomous and are attributes of one god (polytheismmonotheism)