RLGA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Jewish Publication Society, Orthodox Judaism, God Speaks
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Rubinical traditional emerges after destruction of first temple. Rubinical judaism is the judaism we see today. These stories are forcing people to thinkthere"s an educational component to this. People are looking at these stories and are trying to make sense of them. Isaac is believed to be the father of the jews and ishmael the father of the arabs :s or europe"s. Jewish publication society (on the internet for more stories) As jacob"s leaving the land of kingdom to go on an adventure he sees an angel and a stairway to heaven like an escalatorit"s holy. The theme here is that there is a transaction between the divine and human. Israel is not just his nameit also represents his group/tribe. Joseph is sold into slavery since he was chosen as the special child and his siblings didn"t like that. God knows what"s going to happen from one moment to the next. Moses is one of the labourers in egypt.
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