SOCA01H3 Lecture Notes - Tiger Woods, Bw Group, Endogamy
Document Summary
Consider greater importance for sociology than in biology. Some scientists believe we all belong to one race and this is in africa. Some people think we all come from one mother named lucy who is from africa. Race and ethnicity: (no marginality and creativity on the final) Sociology on race and ethnicity is important b. c we look at how race and ethnicity shape power and resources. Some people think race and ethnicity is proscribed born w/ it and so unchangeable. Sociology says race and ethnicity are socially constructed. Some people think of race in connection w/ skin colour. The caucasian race-->white people or people of european background. Some people label jews as a race but they are an ethnic group. Not the way sociologists or biologists use the term race. Canterbury people who have been singled out as inferior or inferior on the basis physical of genetic characteristics.