SOCA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Girl Power, Erving Goffman, Class Consciousness

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1 Aug 2018

Document Summary

Durkheim"s theory of suicide early example of what sociologists now call functionalism. If more people agreed on wanting less, social solidarity would rise less suicides. Response to widespread social unrest of late 19th century france. People express discontent because they are getting less than that want. Took deep root during the great depression (1929-1939) Functionalism during post wwi majority of labour force unemployed, theory focused on how social equilibrium could be restored. Talcott parsons harvard sociologist, proponent of functionalism. Identified how various institutions must work to ensure smooth operation of society: argued that society is well integrated and in equilibrium when institutions in society do roles accordingly. Criticized for exaggerating how people share common values and institutions lead to social harmony. Robert merton, functionalist: proposed that social structures may have different consequences on different groups of people, some consequences dysfunctional, some functions are manifest (visible, intended) while others are latent (unintended, less obvious) Originated from german social thinker karl marx.

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