SOCA01H3 Lecture 9: Lecture 9

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26 Jul 2010
Thursday November 12, 2009 ± Lecture 9
Today READ: Brym Chapter 8
Social Stratification
-Study of social inequality (who gets what).
-Inequality is related to virtually everything (small but consistent relationship)
-For example, health problems by income. Bigger health problems between lower income levels.
Better the income better the health.
The Field Defined
-Differentiation vs. Evaluation.
-Differentiation is to notice the difference but not rating it or putting value to it.
-Evaluation is when we start to rank people. For example, weight.
-Social stratification is the way valued resources ± wealth, power, and prestige ± are distributed.
(And transmitted from one generation to the next.)
Max Weber: The Big Picture
Economy (class)
Polity (Power) Culture (Prestige, status groups)
-Three distinct dimensions which are related, but are not dependent on one another.
-Class: Income/wealth, life chances.
-Prestige: Status groups; deference and respect.
-Power: Capacity to attain ones goals despite opposition.
Wealth ± US
-Lower 90% of people have 31% of wealth. Known as mostly everyone in the country.
US 400 Richest Families
-1982: $230 million average.
-1999: $2.6 billion.
Diagram from book copy down about explanations for income inequality.
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Document Summary

Inequality is related to virtually everything (small but consistent relationship) Differentiation is to notice the difference but not rating it or putting value to it. Evaluation is when we start to rank people. Social stratification is the way valued resources wealth, power, and prestige are distributed. (and transmitted from one generation to the next. ) Three distinct dimensions which are related, but are not dependent on one another. Power: capacity to attain ones goals despite opposition. Lower 90% of people have 31% of wealth. Diagram from book copy down about explanations for income inequality. www. notesolution. com. High status means never doing anything, having servants, etc. Originally have random samples of people rate various occupations. Now, they predict scored by combination of education and income. For example, pointing a gun to you and telling you to do something. As people move up in class they want to bring their status up together. (status inconsistency)