SOCA01H3 Lecture : Social Stratification + Race and Ethnicity
Document Summary
social stratification refers to way in which society is organized in layers or strata. ascription-based stratification system one in which allocation of rank depends on characteristics a person is born with. achievement-based stratification system one in which the allocation of rank depends on a person"s accomplishments. social mobility refers to movement up or down the stratification system. caste system an almost pure ascription-based stratification system in which occupations and marriage partners are assigned on basis of caste membership: all traditional societies are caste systemed. a partied societies work in this way: based on race, education and housing, you segregate people. your ascription comes from birth and you can"t change it. restaurants, hotels, theater and drinking fountains are segregated. prejudiced attitudes: usually negative, person a belongs to group a so they act this way . ethos the spirit of modern societies. superior groups tend to prejudge in positive way.