SOCA01H3 Lecture : Race and Ethnicity

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Institutional completeness all about ethnic segregation or ethnic residential includes toronto. restaurants, theaters, schools, clothing and grocery stores, lawyers, doctors. Involuntary the state (south america) will have housing segregation. Informal if an ethnic minority moves into a neighborhood, and the people that live there already start putting unwelcoming signs (persians) Involuntary: law (institutional, ethnic neighborhood and a community can have this character and so can a nation. europeans have started to allow immigration to the societies that are single-ethnic nations. uk is also multiethnic by history and invasion. how do canadians feel about race and ethnicity: uncomfortable with the terms because they think it carries achievement. In 1970s - ethnicity was based on hierarchy in canada because prestige and power was distributed on the basis of race. canada as it exists today (multicultural) is different from how it was before (based on race: eastern europeans.