SOCA01H3 Lecture 7: Families Lecture 7.docx
Document Summary
Class has a profound impact on our lives. Life chances increase as you go up the class hierarchy and decreases as you go down the class hierarchy. Members of the lower class have higher infant mortality rates (die w/n first 6 months) Afghanistan has one of the highest rates (relativistically) Health improves as go up the class hierarchy. Less knowledge of health related issues among members of lower class orders. Less interest b/c those people seem to have a more fatalistic attitude towards life. Que sera sera" whatever will be will be. Have a lack of control over their own lives. Even when we have universal health coverage (canada) Poorer countries have higher rates of infant mortality. Lower classes also have higher rates of general mortality. Women seem to live longer and make it up to the age of 90s. Lower orders are more likely to suffer from physical ailments and more likely to suffer from psychological disorders.