SOCA01H3 Lecture 8: Families Lecture 8.doc
Document Summary
Robert sternberg: says the components are passion (erotic attraction), intimacy (confiding in others and shared feelings), and commitment (intention to remain in the relationship) We spend less time living together today than in the past. Not just elderly people but more younger people as well. Less inclined to get married b/c it may interfere w/ personal priorities. These ideas are becoming more prominent: bloom is off the rose . Rose only last a short period and then the bloom is gone. Components of love: compassion (takes a beating when it comes to marriage, commitment. Romantic love can wane after a period of time. When in love, the other person is absolutely wonderful, perfect. But after some time, you wake up and see that person"s faults. May be that the initial period of enchantment is just nature"s way of making sure you procreate. When the children are produced, the passion is no longer there.