SOCA01H3 Lecture : Lecture 1 Notes

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Russian shelling // floyd patterson well spoken, liked. Henry louis gates regarded at harvard as america"s most eminent african-a academic was cuffed and locked uip for disorderly conduct by a cambridge policeman james. Prejudice generalization ppl learn how to answer polls, learn to answer in a nicer way. Like jewish ppl are cheap, asian ppl are smart, mexicans are useless, egyptians are ugly, Discrimination restricted admissions to universities & professions, kept out of elite circles, 1950s, beaches, no dogs and jews for jews in. Comparison of slavery in the us to canada underground railway and ongoing prejudice and racism, continued in canada, not at the level as in canada. Blacks are now increased in standing, but continuing barriers. Chinese exclusion act of 1923, 1885-1923 head tax plus legal restrictions, anti-asian. Multiculturalism vs. melting pot (and anglo assimilation) cnada far less violent , as polite racists. Vs germany & japan, are non-immigration societies 3rd generation non-citizens.

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