SOCA02H3 Lecture Notes - Secondary Sector Of The Economy, Glocalization, Mecha
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Lean production prod @ lowest possible cost, flexible work force. Just in time inventory- money tied up in equipment that won"t be used for months. After steve job left apple, company founder was having a bad time, they end up starting a new company. Apple was not doing well without steve jobs. He discovered apple had two months of inventory on hand. Employees sensitive to quality- meaning employees are taught to be sensitive to quality. Tqm ( total quality management) - japanese pioneered this term. Labor union resists tqm because it require the workers to work with management. But management is not found of that instead they want workers to stay arm distance from them. Electronic surveillance @ work place cameras are watching you. Panaptican use to be design of early prisons. Guard tower where guards can see prisoner @ all time.