SOCA02H3 Lecture : You're welcome

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Self actualization (maslow), is similar to marx"s species being. Transition from craft to factory work is undermined of all work. creative labour allows us to self-actualize, making the self an abstract category. creative labour is the product of the actualized self. creative work should reveal itself as something tangible. work should not be compartmentalized, which means separated from the rest of our live. This separation has no unity (work vs leisure) professional work doesn"t see work as distinct, it is a part of living. can be found in art and music. It means subjection and enslavement to the machines. machines control our lives (computer break down, we break down) Taken place within time (life is run by the clock) prior to the modern era, most people were not subjected to time, most people didn"t own clocks. The natural force of life has being lost.

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