SOCB26H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Law School Admission Test, Observational Study, Intelligence Quotient
Document Summary
Increasingly large numbers of high school students are applying to university. If they can"t get into the medical school, they would go to master programs which is the second-best choice for them: rising admission requirements (i. e. , high school grades) Increased use of standardized tests (e. g. , lsat for law school: prestige universities boost their reputations by accepting top" students only, but also by rejecting large numbers of qualified candidates. Self fulfilling prophecies, teachers expectations and grouping practices in elementary schools. If teachers treat students of whom they expect a strong academic performance differently from students of whom they expect less, then those will be the outcomes that will be produced. Pygmalion in the classroom, by rosenthal and jacobson. The researchers created different expectations of student"s academic progress. By telling classroom teachers little while lies: at the start of the school year all students in grade 1 to 6 were given an iq test.