SOCB26H3 Lecture 6: lecture 6-12
Document Summary
This has changed rapidly in the last 10-15 years. 22. some of the universities had increased their reputation but their ability to have high rejection rates. 23. no private universities in canada that"s anyone ever heard of. 25. in the american system, resources are dulled out unequally. 26. canada, u of t, is the best and biggest uni o. Doesn"t have more resources, just more size not reputation: in comparison to united states, we don"t have a hierarchy, should have more like states. 28. big difference btw us and states universities www. notesolution. com. In canada, undergraduate students tend to be recruited locally, after graduation, tend to work locally o o o. Very few students are from outside of the province or international students. Most employers, don"t attach that significance to what university you go to. The american system is opposite, many undergrads go out of state and are recruited internationally o o.