SOCB43H3 Lecture : lectures 9-12
Document Summary
Lecture 9: george herbert mead, the act o o o o o. His education and teaching was around philosophy and psychology. His biggest contribution was social psychology, next to the point of socio and psych. Attempt to understand our inner world gets created through interaction of other ppl. Behaviourism- to study people"s behaviour means we have to see the actions of ppl. All we can ever know are the external movements of other pp and how they relate to people on the outside. Mead denies behaviourist perspective, but he agrees that we have to observe something in the world for it to exist o. If the mind is real, it has to be observable, must be able to see and observe the mind, must be out there o. Instead of looking for the mind inside of ppl"s head, look for their actions and deeds so in order to observe the world o.