SOCB47H3 Lecture : three pillars of white supremacy
Document Summary
key ideas: class struggle is the engine of history, two classes: property owners and workers, mode of production characterizes each era, under capitalism. feudal: production of goods took place through craftsmen. didn"t fully get to explain what he meant by class www. notesolution. com. did suggest that there are more than two classes- but that doesn"t explain a lot. society has changed a lot since he was writing. didn"t adequately deal with how race or ethnicity or gender play into it: women have a lower income than men, should they be considered a separate class. max weber (1864-1920: power is distributed thru various channels: political order: associated with decision making in society, different types of classes: social class: * could be in different ranks in these different classes, differs from marx: looks at how different factors affect access to power.