SOCC26H3 Lecture 4: Week 4 Lecture Note
Document Summary
Solutions to the crisis of the industrial city in late 19th and early 20th century (crowding, poverty, poor sanitation, sub-standard housing, etc. City beautiful: what they end up doing is putting a lot of mind in beautifying those streets and other. I t particularly pops out in a city when it wins the olympic areas that lead into the olympic stadium: they clear slums out and put the poor people out in the suburbs. As it happened, the right to design the exhibition actually went to burnham www. notesolution. com. I t was one of the most definitive world fair of all kind, and it was held in 1893. I t showcased the future of the city, e. g. housing, technology was important, entertainment. In 1893, it wasn"t easy to have any sense of what was going on in other parts of the world: travel was still something done by the very wealthy, there were magazines and national.