SOCC26H3 Lecture 6: Week 6 Lecture Note
Document Summary
F rank lloyd wright one of the most famous architects: his fame probably comes from his architectural design of residential homes and his ideas about redesigning cities for people. Le corbusier wanted to build high rises, but wright wanted to build cities in another way. In essence of frank lloyd wright, he worked with sullivan: he started as a draftsman and designed more himself, combined the engineer"s understanding of technology with the artists www. notesolution. com. Like le corbusier, he built it with technology (steel and other materials), but at the same time, le corbusier had another streak which was being creative and intuitive, so wright"s homes were not machines like le corbusier"s. In 1909, he and mama cheney popped on a boat. States: americans are first to be individual, you are the ones to bear arms and own guns, anything that distinguishes from the american, americans believed the power of the automobile, which is so much different than.