STAB22H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Sampling Distribution, Random Variable, Null Hypothesis

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22 Feb 2015
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STAB22H3 Full Course Notes
STAB22H3 Full Course Notes
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Power is false is measured by the probability that the test when an alternative is true. The ability of a test to detect that will reject sensitive the test is. Definition: the probability that a fixed level test will reject called the power of the test. when is false is. A powerful test has a large probability of rejecting. We want a powerful test! when it is false. Three steps to find the power of the test: , the particular alternative we want to detect, and the significance level. Find the values of (or other estimates) that will lead to reject. Calculate the probability of observing these values of when the alternative is true. A team of researchers is planning a study to examine this question. Based on the results of a previous study, they are willing to assume that for the percent change in tbbmc over the 6-month period.

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