VPAA10H3 Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Notes

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Vpaa10h3 intro to arts management: lecture 8 notes. professor frost"s office hours: thursday noon to 1pm, 1pm 2pm friday aa329. youtube video: wizard of oz scene, where the wizard was really a man behind the curtains on a mic, thus signifying that we are backstage workers. yet some cannot pay for everything: commercial sectors purpose is to make money, angels = investors in commercial theatre lose the money they"ve invested, nfp sector (mandate) - $ surplus. surplus is then used to reinvest in the activities of the organization. trying out through conceptual art, dance, theatre trying on sizes. nfp is where things begin; risks are more common. the audience is paying for something that is unknown: profit revenue > expenses www. notesolution. com. earned revenue tickets, gift-shop items, concessions (food or beverages), cds, t- Shirts, bar, use of your resources (rehearsal hall people can rent out space for any kind of arts recreation)

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