VPMA93H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: The Gay Divorcee, Cole Porter, Ginger Rogers

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Situations take place in musicals in which a dance is appropriate to incorporate to the scene were based on pop music of the time) (example of a triple piece chopin"s waltz) Musicals contribute to the popular music people hear at the time (musicals. Metre used in musicals were mostly duple & quadruple b/c we have 4 limbs. Protagonists of the film were ginger rogers & fred astaire very popular dance couple in these films. Long lines spun out from short motivic passages. Introduction like the beat, beat, beat of the tom-tom; When the jungle shadows fall, like the tick, tick, tock of the stately clock. as it stands against the wall. Like the drip, drip drip of the rain drops, So a voice within me keeps repeating you, you, you. Night and day you are the one, only you beneath the moon and under the sun. Whether near to me or far, it"s no matter darling where you are.

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