VPMA99H3 Lecture : Brief Introduction to Classical Period
Document Summary
18th century is often called the age of reason or the enlightenment. Classical refers to the mature styles of haydn, mozart, and beethoven. Their music is classic because it shares many attributes with the art and architecture of antiquity. Classical music possessed the qualities of noble simplicity, balance, perfection of form, diversity within unity, seriousness of purpose, and restrained use of ornamentation. Galant was used in the 18th century to describe literature that was elegant and courtly. Describe painting in which the subject matter was light and flirtatious. Thing that was modern, smart, chic, smooth, easy, sophisticated. Marked by more chordal, gallant style, emphasis on naturalness, simple melody with light accompaniment. Empfindsam style is associated with intimate, sensitive, and subjective tendencies of 18th century literature and art. As manufacturing and trade increased, middle class grew in size. As city became more urbanized, nature was idealized. Nostalgia for an idyllic rural life was resulted.