VPMA99H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Dune, Eduard Hanslick, Franz Liszt

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15 Feb 2011

Document Summary

He brought symphony to a point of exhaustion and explosion. His work is not just an extension of movement, but infusion of many elements, like expansion of coda and addition of a choir. Seems like there is nothing else to do with symphony and puts much pressure on the composers in the romantic period. Addition of choir, not an element of symphony. Some composers in romantic period emulate beethoven, pick up his innovation and extend it. Duet career, composer and music critic (write article about music), schumann is also a music critic. Did unusual thing with harmony that break rules. Composed lyric monodrama (lelio), symphonie dramatique (romeo and juliet), dramatic legend (faust), sacred trilogy (l"enfance du christ) 5 movements: reveries, passions, un bal, scene aux champs, marcbe au splice www. notesolution. com, songe d"une nuit du sabbat. Idee fixe- recurring theme, return in each movement. Thematic transformation- theme returns in its entirety, but with its character transformed through instrumentation, rhythm/meter, articulation tempo.

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