VPMA99H3 Lecture 8: Lecture 8

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16 Mar 2011

Document Summary

Influenced by wagner"s harmonic language just like how beethoven influenced romantic music. Dissonance vs. resolution, tonal harmonic progression start to break down. Mahler is known for a conductor in viienna and new york. Manifestation of song that was composed for voice and piano. Purpose of expression, tone colour, textural capability in orchestra. Theme includes life and death, twist of irony, parolistic way of looking thing. Wrote the song before death of his own daughter. Tragedy takes place at night, but the world keeps going. Switch in mood at beginning and end of the line. Trajectory of b flat downward to d, opposite to sunrise in text. Minor to major mode from first to second line, rising melody (opposite effect. Warm orchestral texture (play of opposite, take ironic view of text. 2 stanzas are similar, not but the same. Each instrument has an independent melodic line www. notesolution. com. Minor mode is used to sing light in text.

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