WSTB13H3 Lecture Notes - Mary Wollstonecraft, Homophobia, Elision
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3 Nov 2011
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We generally think of sports as a male interest. Women have always been physically active but have excluded from organized sports since a decade ago. Women"s bodies are too fragile for sports their bodies would become to masculine and it would distract you from other responsibilities at home. It was in 1900 hundred paris games that included women and that included tennis and golf. Over time more women"s event have been added every year. Currently the there are two olympic games that don"t include women skiing games in the winter games and boxing games in the summer. Some people believed that women would not be able to complete meaningfully in the early days of the olympics. Even though they have been competing for a 100 years and men since the beginning they are catching up. Women are now participating in sports more then ever. When women are represented how are they represented in sports :
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