ANT100Y1 Lecture 1: Archaeology Lecture One + Readings
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Homo sapiens: the biological species category in which humans fall into; the first homo sapiens may have emerged 200 000 years ago. If some human societies lack a written record of their past, archaeologists reconstruct the history of those societies from the remains of human culture: historical archaeology: study of material remains of recent peoples who left written records. examples are acheulian axe from gilan, iran; funerary mask of. most common artifacts are lithics (stone tools); display evidence of reduction: can be further subdivided into: www. notesolution. com, chipped or flaked lithic tools. Flintknapping" one of the earliest industrial arts. emerged with homo habilis some 2. 5 mya. Involves removing flakes from cores in a controlled manner. core the block of raw material from which flakes are struck. flake the relatively thin fragment of lithic material removed from a core. debitage the by-products of core reduction, includes flakes and exhausted cores: ground stone tools.