ANT100Y1 Lecture : Archaeology-Chapter 2-Uncovering the Past-Tools and Techniques Oct 23 2008
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O historical archaeology: a specialty within archaeology that studies the material remains of recent peoples who left written records. O culture: the set of learned behaviours, beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideals, that are characteristic of a particular society or population. O ethnology: the study of how and why recent cultures differ and are similar. Chapter 2: uncovering the past- tools and techniques. O provenience: the location of an artifact or feature within a site. O material culture: objects people have and make. O site formation process: environmental and cultural factors that affect how and where materials are deposited at an archaeological site or fossil locale. O midden: a pile of refuse, often shells, in an archaeological site. O archaeological site: areas of past human habitation or where fossil remains are found. Fossil locales: places where fossilized remains of once living organisms are found.